Monthly Archives: June 2019

Art Gone Wild Final Pieces

I present to you my feathered friends of Zoo Atlanta’s Art Gone Wild 2019!


Abby, the Abyssinian Ground Hornbill


Ros the King Vulture


Nancy, the new Rhinoceros Hornbill


Lionel, the southern crested screamer


Anubis the Lappet-Faced Vulture

Progress on Art Gone Wild

I’ve been a busy, busy bee finalizing my final pieces for the art show on Friday! Here are some of my birds from Art Gone Wild in various stages. I can’t wait to share the finished paintings.

Art Gone Wild 2019 Paint Out Week

I’ve been selected for a third year for Zoo Atlanta’s Art Gone Wild fundraising art show! Paint out week was lovely, despite the rain – and great reunion seeing all of my AGW artist friends. The new rhinoceros hornbills, Bill and Nancy, were a hit with everyone! And Ros, my favorite king vulture, put on a great show for me. She will definitely be getting her own canvas this year. Here are some of my illustrations that have already gone to new homes during the week. Stay tuned for progress on the final pieces!

Studio Update!

How cute is this? I got a new desk and redid my studio area. I love it so much! It is the happiest place!
