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My take on ‘Love’ by Alexander Milov

No picture seems to capture the feeling of this 4’x5’ painting of Alexander Milov’s “Love” sculpture. The colors are so intense, the Inner Children and the cage-like adult figures are practically sculpted in the paint. What a lovely adventure it was to paint this! And I feel like I don’t work in oil paint as much as I’d love to. The drying time is always an inhibitor for commissions, but the owner of the company that requested this piece didn’t mind waiting patiently. Please enjoy!

love alexander milov landscape

The Duck Pond

So I had a little time this week to work on a new painting!


I had a fantastic time at a park nearby, just spending a few hours enjoying a lovely– if a little cloudy– fall afternoon. Taking in the scenery, working on my passion, and I even brought a pumpkin spice latte with me! It was the ultimate fall excursion! The result was what may be my new favorite painting (or maybe I’m just a little partial to the season) on an 8″x10″ canvas.


Also? I made new friends! Ducks love you if you feed them!
